
Bull City Signs

Secure Payment Form

* indicates a required field.
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Invoice or Estimate #
Payment Acknowledgement

PLEASE NOTE: You will be charged a $25.00 fee for any RETURNED ACH PAYMENTS. Double-check your Routing and Account numbers for accuracy.

Payment Acknowledgement

I(we) hereby authorize Bull City Signs to initiate entries to my(our)checking/savings accounts at the financial institution below, and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions credited/debited in error. This authority will remain in effect until Bull City Signs has notified me(us)in writing to cancel it in such time to afford Bull City Signs and my financial institution a reasonable time opportunity to act on it.

Name as on Account *
Bank Routing Number
Bank Account Number
Email Address

Enter payment details from your invoice. Note: a 3.99% Processing Fee will be added to all bankcard transactions. Paying by e-check (click "Pay By e-Check") avoids a Processing Fee.

Name on Account *
Card Billing Address
Card Billing Zip
Card Number *
Card Expiration Date *
Email Address