
South Bay Agape Christian Church 南灣愛修基督教會

Secure Online Giving 安全認證

We recommend using BILL PAY (free online service from most banks) to avoid transaction fees. Please see our church website's "Give" link for instructions to set that up. Once set up, you can give with a few clicks each time, and no fees will be charged to church. THIS CURRENT PAGE IS FOR DEBIT AND CREDIT CARD GIVING, which incurs fees for church with each transaction.
Date 日期
Amount 金額
church pays 0.55% fee for each DEBIT card transaction, and about 3% fee for each CREDIT card transaction.
Name as on Card 卡上姓名
Card Number 卡號
Card Expiration Date 卡有效期限
CVV2/CID 卡背面三碼檢查碼
Card Billing Address 持卡人地址
Card Billing Zip 持卡人郵遞區號
First 名
Last Name 姓
Address 地址
City 城市
State 州
Zip 郵遞區號
Phone Number 電話
Email Address 電郵
Church offering receipt ID 奉獻收據編號