Yad Vaezer

Secure Payment Form
Donation Summary:
Whether you make a one-time gift or an ongoing monthly donation, your contribution is the "helping hand" that families in need are desperately hoping for!

Consider how you can help a neighbor in his time of trouble, and then make your tax-deductible (under 501(c)3 code) donation to Yad v'Ezer today!

Please help Yad v'Ezer to provide tasty, wholesome meals for your friends and neighbors in need!

And in the merit of your generosity, may you always be able to give tzedakah generously, in good health and happiness.
Donation Amount: $180

 Or enter a contribution amount below.

Payment Method: Single Payment Recurring Payment
Credit Card Information:
Card Type:

Card Number:  *
Card Expiration Date:  *
Card ID (CVV2/CID) Number:
[What is the Card ID?]
Billing Information:
First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Address:  *
Zip:  *
Phone Number:
Email Address:  *
Total Charge: