Family Promise of Colorado Springs
An Interfaith Hospitality Network - Secure Payment Form
Donation/Payment Summary:
Date of Donation/Payment:
Donation/Payment Amount:
Donation/Payment Comment:
Dedication, in memory of:
(leave blank for none)
Dedication, in honor of:
(leave blank for none)
Your Phone Number:
Your Email Address:
Credit Card Information:
Card Type:
Name as on Card:
Card Billing Street Address:
Card Billing Zipcode:
Card Number:
Card Expiration Date:
Card ID (CVV2/CID) Number:
What is the Card ID?
Interfaith Hospitality Network d.b.a. Family Promise of Colorado Springs is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by IRS regulation.
You will receive acknowledgement of a contribution for your tax records.
If any goods or service are provided in exchange for a payment,
that will not qualify as a tax-deductible contribution.
For more information or questions about donations, please contact IHN.
519 N. Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80903; (719) 329-1244;