Donation Opportunities:
Yes! I want to support the Artist Quarter Minyan!
Please choose from the sponsorship opportunities below:
Pay a Pledge [Aliyah, High Holidays, etc.]
Sponsor Regular Kiddish [$360]
Sponsor Large Kiddish [$500]
Sponsor the Baal Koreh [$54/Shabbos]
Sponsor General Kiddish [$700]
Sponser A kolel Member for a day [$54]
Sponser A kolel Member for a week [$360]
Sponser A kolel Member for a month [$1,000 a month]
General Donation/Other
Become a Monthly Chai Club Member:
$18 Monthly Individual Chai
$54 Monthly Family Chai
Note: Please select Yes for "Make this a recurring, monthly gift?" below
General Donation Amounts:
Other Donation Amount:
Make this a recurring, monthly gift?
Select the box below if you would like to pay the credit card processing fee.
I would like to pay the credit card processing fee.
Donation In Honor Of:
Donation In Memory Of:
Contact information
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email Address:
*Phone Number:
*Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Payment Information
*Card Number
*Card Expiration Date:
*Card ID (CVV2/CID Number:)
Donation Description:
Total Charge: